Sunday, 6 July 2014

Another long break between posts

So again I have been very slack with posting to my blog, but lots has been happening these last few months and lots of excting things are happening in our household (some of which I wont share just yet on the internet)... but its going to be a very busy last few months of this year for our family thats for sure...

One thing that has happened lately is that we have moved again... yes i know again... in our 2 years of marriage this would now be our 4th move lovely Pop has allowed us to move into his home (he now lives permantley with my parents)... so its been a lot of hard work getting it all ready to live in but we are slowly getting there... Craig has been repainting the rooms of the house (which is 60 years old) and we are finally nearly settled in and unpacked... just need to organise my scrap stuff a bit more then i can share photos of my new space....

this is our new home... love that it has always been our family home with my grandparents living in this home for nearly 60 years and now we get to live in it too....

so thats all we have been up to these last few months and is still busy for us both and Kaitlyn is on school holiddays at the moment... she did extremely well in her half yearly report for year 8 we are very proud of what she is achieving at high school... she is still doing her physie dancing with a competition coming up very soon so getting lots of practice in for them....

she is growing up way too fast....

well off to clean up and get ready to go and pick her up...then get ready for another busy week that just seem to fly by...
I hope to be back more now (we will see LOL)
