Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Huge sale on this weekend at Scraploot...
Make sure you come along and grab some real bargains – we really do not want to count this stock.
We will have the kettle going and the biccie tin topped up ready for you to have some refreshments whilst you trawl through all the sale stock.
All sale stock will be out in the back room to make it easier for you to trawl through to find your bargains.
Be sure to join us and drive us mad, before the stocktake drives us mad!
Be sure to tell your friends who might not be regular Scraploot Scrappers or be on our mailing lists – pile them into the car and head on out!
For more info (and address details) give us a call on 0298345939.
we hope to see you on saturday.
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
2 more cards
this one is using Laura's sketch #2
hope your all having a good week... me im been kept busy at work with stocktake... dont forget there is a huge sale still going on over at scraploot so go and grab yourself a good bargain lots and lots of great things are on sale and double up...
ok off to scrap and watch some tv...
Sunday, 22 June 2008
So this weekend...
Kaitlyn and Josh
And the gorgeous Zach....
so thats about all... i have done some of my dt work this month we got to use all black and white stuff... i loved this challenge.. i still have a few bits left over so i can still make another page which ill do this week and some cards... here are my pages i made so far
so go and have a look at the gallery with all the other gorgeous creations from Anthea and Julie... some fab work in there... and dont forget while you are there scraploot is still having the sale on... lots and lots of stuff in there on sale and double up so definatly go and grab yourself a bargain....
ok well thats about it from me for now... rather tired so im off to bed... have a great week everyone...
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
this one is using a sketch from Scrapattack scrapbooking.
Sunday, 15 June 2008
So what else is new... Yesterday I went of to Sue and Craigs house for 2 classes then we had a scrap night last night with some great people... It was so much fun... we all laughed and did lots of scrapping which is a good thing... Love these scrap nights to just chill out with my gorgeous friends... lots of fun... i ended up staying there over night and Sue, Craig and I had a few drinks...
It was heaps of fun and i ended up scrapping 2 full pages and 1 8.5x11 (ill take photos soon and post them up here)...
Its so cold here at the moment... did i mention that i HATE winter... give me the hot summer any day.. its raining here at the moment.. so i might go and snuggle up in bed with my gorgeous girl (we have girly nights on sunday nights) and watch a movie...
so ill be back soon to update more... im doing something diffrent on wednesday so ill have photos of that too im sure...
see you then
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Ok i changed it again...
On other things this week lol... my stupid computer is still not working... thanks to my mum she is letting me use hers lol other wise i would have major withdrawls lol...
Also the Got Sketch class started yesterday and its awsome... i completed my first page for it today... here it is (the pic is bad as i cant use my camera to download pics to this computer)...
apart from that not alot happening... i did get my new DT pack from Scraploot. So i have lots to work on... so maybe not having a computer is the best thing at the moment lol...
Ok im off to change my mum's blog now make sure you go and check it out soon ....
have a good week..
Monday, 9 June 2008
check it out
apart from that not alot happening today... my computer crashed this morning (im on my mums at the moment)... dont know what is wrong with it so i have just left it for a while to see what happens to it....
so i am going to go and do a tidy up before mum and dad get home and then im going to scrap.... i just made brownies (yep silly me cooking again and yep again it turned into a disaster lol)... oh well its still eadable lol....
ok off to scrap